How GIPHY’s Public API Integrates with gRPC Services

August 13, 2020 9:37 pm by Serhii Kushch

We always work hard at GIPHY to help people find the right GIF at the right time. Adoption of gRPC helps us continue to keep our services fast, stable, and fault-tolerant as we scale to over 10 billion pieces of content a day. When the GIPHY API, which serves content to our third party integrations, […]

gRPC Adoption in GIPHY

December 11, 2018 8:54 pm by Nima Khoshini

GIPHY’s API servers handle over a million requests a minute. To handle this load, we divide the work between a variety of microservices, each of which fulfills part of the request. For example, one service performs searches, another supplies metadata about GIFs, yet another validates user credentials, and so on. Our first iteration of microservices […]